
What is TubeBuddy? 👽

This is a channel management browser plugin that helps YouTube's content creators, brands, and networks save time while growing a YouTube Channel.

Top questions of people who have not installed or have a pro account with TubeBuddy.

1. Does TubeBuddy help?
2. Will TubeBuddy help me get subs?

There is little talk about the functions, but the primary question is, "will I get subscriptions?"

Like with any YouTube channel, you will get subscriptions if people see your channel and want to subscribe to the content you upload.
It doesn't matter if you use this plugin or not because nobody wants to sub to a channel with content they do not like.

TubeBuddy helps with managing your channel. This is done by keyword research, better titles and better thumbnails.
You are also able to search for topics that are trending, so you are able to plan your next video upload.

There is a massive amount of Productivity Tools in TubeBuddy.

  • Annotation Templates 
  • Canned Responses 
  • Card Templates 
  • Comment Filters 
  • Default Upload Profiles 
  • Emoji Picker 
  • End Screen Templates 
  • Notification Commenting 
  • Playlist Actions 
  • Publish to Facebook 
  • Quick Links Menu 
  • Quick-Edit Toolbar 
  • Scheduled Publish 
  • Sunset Videos 
  • Thumbnail Generator 
  • Upload Checklist 
  • Video Topic Planner

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